TMS Times
Thursday, November 2, 1989

Volume 1 ... Number 24

By Edwy ap Edwin, Staff Writer

     Yes folks, it's another exciting schedule change!
Today's schedule is Tuesday, yes, Tuesday.  This means
Community Meeting this afternoon.  Then, just after supper,
when you're finally getting used to it being Tuesday, the
schedule will be Thursday evening's schedule.  Good luck

By Joy Katesdatter, Staff Writer

     Due to the skeleton staff left at the Times offices for
the past several days, and the entire staff being gone for
the weekend, the paper was not published from October 29 to
November 1, 1989.
     The Times was also unable to run the comics on

The TMS Inquirer
... inquiring minds want to know ...

     Angered by the lack of comics on Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, the TMS Radical Right and the corporate sponsor
for the TMS Times comic section have threatened revenge on
the Times copy editor, who was in charge of publishing the
TMS Times while the printer and Staff Writers were on the
college trip.

The comics are made possible by a grant from Jon McGee.
The corporate sponsor wishes you to know that he did not
dedicate these comics.

SELECTED BY JON        (Dedicated to Jodie)

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