TMS Times
Friday, November 3, 1989

Volume 1 ... Number 25

By I.M. Cydyng, Staff Writer

      A long agenda item in  Community Meetihg today on  the
subject of the site of the proposed Music Room ended  incon-
elusively.   There  was considerable  controversy  over  the
proposal that  the Music  Room  take up  part of  the  Barn,
adding walls  and insulation  for a  more comfortable  atmo-
sphere.   There was  some feeling  that an  estimated  $1000
renovating job on the Barn was not to be approved lightly.
     The aganda item ended when Tom propsed that "People who
have concerns stay, and people  who don't have concerns  get
the #^%$ out."

TMS Inquirer
... inquiring minds want to know ...

      According  to a usually  unreliable source,  "Raychael
marries a lizard man from Mars and is impregnated by a  pink
elephant with purple polka dots  that she gave birth to  two
weeks ago."


LOST - Blue Cortex gaiters lost last year.  Contact TOM this
year, Thomas House.

FOUND - Life long desirable companion for Tom.

TOM - Looking for a priest, needed by Sun., November 5.

The comics are made possible by a grant from Jon McGee,  The
corporate sponsor  wishes  you  to  know  that  he  did  not
dedicate these comics.

SELECTED BY JON        (Dedicated to Bright)

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