Dear Friend:

I am also a Quaker and am coming to you with a special request. I am the resident manager of a Volunteers of America homeless shelter. We have been in operation for less than 2 years and are operating on a very slim budget. One item that we do not have funding for is books and so I am attempting to have some books donated to us.

Those that stay here are permitted to remain for aprox. 3-6 months. No pays to stay here. Every one that is able must find work and save half their earnings. Those not able to work are assisted in locating appropriate placement. Each person is housed in their own room with a private bath. The only furnishings are a bed and a closet. No TV or radio. So books would be a true blessing to those staying here.

I ask that you hold this request to the Light and do as you are led by the Spirit.

Carter N. Nash
Volunteers of America
Shiloh Treansitiomal Housing
935 Eddie Robinson Sr. Dr.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

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